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Instructions for extraction and storage of date palm pollen

گلارو Gelaro
گارانتی 18 ماهه گلارو Gelaro
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Instructions for extraction and storage of date palm pollen

Instructions for extracting and storing date palm pollen

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Instructions for extraction and storage of date palm pollen

Undoubtedly, optimizing the consumption of inputs is one of the key approaches of the modern human age in order to achieve sustainable development. Nowadays, the essential role of date palm pollen as the most basic input in date production is increasingly known and due to limited pollen production resources and the impact of seasonal crises on its production, the need to provide appropriate solutions to use existing capacity and reduce waste. Has made it more visible. Therefore, the present instruction is recognized as the first step in achieving sustainable management of the production of this valuable input by providing key points in the production and maintenance of date palm pollen. It is hoped that by using the materials provided, we can help promote the country’s date industry.


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